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Publicaciones (Años 2002-2009)
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2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002


AÑO 2010


Publicaciones en Revistas SCI


ALVIS, A., VILLAMIEL, M., RADA-MENDOZA, M. Mechanical properties and viscoelastic characteristics of two varieties of yam tubers (Dioscorea alata)”. Journal of Texture Studies (2010) 41 92-99.


AMAROWICZ, R., ESTRELLA, I., HERNANDEZ, T., ROBREDO, S., TROSZYNSKA, A., KOSINSKA, A., PEGG, R.B.  “Free radical-scavenging capacity, antioxidant activity, and phenolic composition of green lentil (Lens culinaris). Food Chemistry 121 (2010) 705-711.


ANADÓN, A., MARTÍNEZ, M.A., ARES, I., MARTÍNEZ-LARRAÑAGA, M.R., CONTRERAS M.M., RAMOS, M., RECIO, I. “Acute and repeated dose (4 weeks ) oral toxicity studies of two antihypertensive peptides RYLGY and AYFYPEL, that correspond to fragments (90-94) and (143-149) from as1-casein”. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2010) doi:10.1016/j.fct2010.04.016.


BARBA, C., SANTA-MARIA, G., FLORES, G., HERRAIZ, M., CALVO, M.M. “Enantiomeric analysis of chiral compounds in irradiated foods using multidimensional gas chromatography”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 752-756. 


BARBA DE LA ROSA, A.P., BARBA MONTOYA, A., MARTÍNEZ-CUEVAS, P., HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., LEÓN-GALVÁN, M.F., DE LEÓN-RODRÍGUEZ, A., GONZÁLEZ, C. “Tryptic amaranth glutelin digests induce endotelial nitric oxide production through inhibition of ACE: Antihypertensive role of amaranth peptides”. Nitric Oxide (2010) (en prensa).


BOLIVAR, J.M., BATALLA, P., MATEO, C., CARRASCOSA, A.V., PESSELA, B.B., GUISAN, J.M. “Selective adsorption of small proteins on large-pore anion exchangers coated with medium size proteins”. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2010) 78 140-145.


CASAL, E., LEBRON-AGUILAR, r., MORENO, F.J., CORZO, N., QUINTANILLA-LOPEZ, J.E. “Selective linkage detection of O-sialoglycan  isomers by negative electrospray  ionization ion trap tandem mass spectrometry.” Rapid Communications in mass spectrometry (2010) 24 885-893


CLEMENTE, A., MORENO, F.J., MARÍN-MANZANO, M.C., JIMENEZ, E., DOMONEY, C .”The  cytotoxic effect of Bowman-Birk isoinhibitors, IBB1 and IBBD2, from soybean (Glycine max) on  HT29 human colorectal cancer cells is related to their intrinsic ability to inhibit serine proteases”.  Molecular Nutrition Food Research (2010) 54 396-405.


CONTRERAS, M.M., GÓMEZ-SALA, B., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J, RAMOS, M., AMIGO, L., RECIO, I. “Monitoring the large-scale production of the antihypertensive peptides RYLGY and AYFYPEL by HPLC-MS”. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2010) doi:10.1007/s00216-010-3674-2.


CORZO-MARTÍNEZ, M., MORENO, F.J., OLANO, A., VILLAMIEL, M. “Role of pyridoxamine in the formation of the Amadori/Heyns compounds and aggregates during the glycation of b-lactoglobulin with galactose and tagatose”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 500-506


CORZO-MARTÍNEZ, M., MORENO, F.J., VILLAMIEL, M., HARTE, F.M.“Characterization and improvement of rheological properties of sodium caseinate glycated with galactose, lactose and dextran” Food Hydrocolloids (2010) 24 88–97


CORZO-MARTÍNEZ, M., SORIA, A.C.; BELLOQUE, J., VILLAMIEL, M.; MORENO, F.J. “Effect of glycation on the gastrointestinal digestibility and immunoreactivity of bovine b-lactoglobulin”. International Dairy Journal (2010) (en prensa).


CURIEL, J.A., MUÑOZ, R., LOPEZ DE FELIPE, F. “pH and dose-dependent effects of quercetin on the fermentation capacity of Lactobacillus plantarum”.  LWT-Food Science and Technology (2010) 43 926-933.


CURIEL, J.A., RODRIGUEZ, H., LANDETE, J.M., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MUÑOZ, R. “Ability of Lactobacillus brevis strains to degrade food phenolic acids.” Food Chemistry (2010) 120 225-229.


ELIAS, M., CARRASCOSA, A.V. “Characterisation of the Paio do Alentejo, a traditional Portuguese Iberian sausage, in respect to its safety”. Food Control (2010) 21 97-102


FRIAS, J., GULEWICZ, P., MARTINEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., PEÑAS, E., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., CISKA, E., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Changes in nutritional value and cytotoxicity of garden cress germinated with different selenium solutions”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 2331-2336.


GALLEOS-INFANTE, J.A., ROCHA-GUZMAN, N.E., GONZALEZ-LAREDO, R.F., OCHOA-MARTINEZ, L.A., CORZO, N., BELLO-PEREZ, L.A., MEDINA-TORRES., PERALTA ALVAREZ, L.E. “Quality of spaghetti pasta containing mexican common bean flour (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food Chemistry (2010) 190 1544-1549


GAMELLA, M., CAMPUZANO, S., CONZUELO, F., CURIEL, J.A., MUÑOZ, R., REVIEJO, A.J., PINGARRÓN, J.M. “Integrated multienzyme electrochemical biosensors for monitoring malolactic fermentation in wines”. Talanta.(2010) 81 925-933. 


GAÑAN, M., CAMPOS, G., MUÑOZ, R., CARRASCOSA, A.V., DE PASCUAL-TERESA, S., MARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, A.J. “Effect of growth phase on the adherence to and invasion of Caco-2 epithelial cells by Campilobacter jejuni”. International Journal of Food Microbiology (2010) 140 14-18.  


GAÑAN, M., COLLINS, M., RASTALL, R., HOTCHKISS, K.H., CHAU, H.K., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, A.J. “Inhibition by pectic oligosaccharides of the invasion of undifferentiated and differentiated Caco-2 cells by Campilobacter jejuni”. International Journal of Food Microbiology (2010) 137 181-185


GARCIA-NEBOT, M.J., ALEGRIA, A., BARBERÁ, R., CONTRERAS, M.M., RECIO, I. “Milk versus caseinophosphopeptides added to fruit beverage: Resistance and release from simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Peptides (2010) 31 555-561.


GARCÍA-REDONDO, A., ROQUE, F.R., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., MIGUEL, M., SALAICES, M. “Vascular effects of egg-derived peptides in resistance arteries from rats. Structure activity relationship”. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2010) (en prensa).


GODOY, C.A., DE LAS RIVAS, B., FILICE, M, FERNANDEZ-LORENTE, G., GUISAN, J.M., PALOMO, J.M.   “Enhanced activity of an immobilized lipase promoted by site-directed chemical modification with polymers”. Process Biochemistry 45 (2010) 534-541.


GRAZU, V., LOPEZ-GALLEGO, F., MONTES, T., ABIAN, O., GONZALEZ, R., HERMOSO, J.A., GARCIA, J.L., MATEO, C., GUISAN, J.M. “Promotion of multipoint covalent immobilization through different regions of genetically modified penicillin G acylase from E. coli”. Process Biochemistry 45 (2010) 390-398.   


HERRAIZ, T., GONZALEZ, D., ANCIN-AZPILICUETA. C., ARAN, V.J., GUILLEN, H. “Beta-carboline alkaloids in Peganum harmala and inhibition of human monoamine oxidase (MAO)”. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48(2010) 839-845.


HERRERO, M., GARCIA-CAÑAS, V.,   SIMO, C., CIFUENTES, A. “Recent advances in the application of capillary electromigration methods for food análisis and Foodomics”. Electrophoresis (2010) 31 205-228.  


HERRERO, M., MENDIOLA, J.A., CIFUENTES, A., IBAÑEZ, E. “Supercritical fluid extraction: Recent advances and applications”. Journal of Chromatography A (2010) 1217 2495-2511.


HERRERO, M., PLAZA, M., CIFUENTES, A., IBAÑEZ, E. “Green processes for the extraction of bioactives from Rosemary: Chemical and functional characterization via ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and in vitro assays”. Journal of Chromatography A (2010) 1217 2512-2530.


HEVIA, D., BOTAS, C., SAINZ, R.M., “Development and validation of new methods for the determination of melatonin and its oxidative metabolites by high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, using multivariate optimization”. Journal of Chromatography A 1217 (2010)1368-1374.


HSIEH, C.C., HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., DE LUMEN, B.O. “Lunasin, a novel seed peptides, sensitizes human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells to aspirin-arrested cell cycle and induced apoptosis”. Chemico-Biological Interactions (2010) (en prensa).


JAIME, L., RODRÍGUEZ-MEIZOSO, I., CIFUENTES, A., SANTOYO, S., SUÁREZ, S., IBÁÑEZ, E., SEÑORANS, F.J. “Pressurized liquids as an alternative process to antioxidant carotenoids’ extraction from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae” Food Science and Technology (2010) 43 105–112


LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Egg white ovoalbumin digestion mimicking physiological”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 5640-5648.


MARTINEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., PEÑAS, E., CISMA, E., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C., FRIAS, J. “Time dependence of baoactive compounds and antioxidant capacity during germination of different cultivars of broccoli and radish seeds”. Food Chemistry (2010) 120 710-716


MARTINEZ-VILLALUENGA, TORRES, A., FRIAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C, “Semolina supplementation with processed lupin and pigeon pea flous improve protein quality of pasta”. LWT-Food Science and Technology (2010) 43 617-622MARTOS, G., CONTRERAS, P.,  MOLINA, E.,


MENDIOLA  J.A., MARTIN-ALVAREZ, P.J., SEÑORANS, F.J., REGLERO, G., CAPODICASSA, A., NAZZARO, F., SADA, A., CIFUENTES, A., IBAÑEZ, I. “Design of natural food antioxidant ingredients through a chemometric approach”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 500-506


MIGUEL, M., GÓMEZ-RUIZ, J.A., RECIO, I., ALEIXANDRE, A. Changes in arterial blood pressure after single oral administration of milk-casein derived peptides”. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (2010) 54 1-6.


MONAGAS, M.; QUINTANILLA-LÓPEZ, J. E.; GOMEZ-CORDOVES, C.; BARTOLOME, B.; LEBRÓN-AGUILAR, R. MALDI-TOF MS "Analysis of proanthocyanidins". J. Pharm. Biochem. Anal., (2010) 51 358-372


MONTAÑES, F., FORNARI, T., OLANO, A., IBAÑEZ, E. “Supercritacla fluid purification of complex carbohydrate mixtures produced by enzimatic transglycosilation and isomerized with complexating reagents”. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. (2010) 53 25-33.


MORENO, F.D., BLANCH, G.P., FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L.  “Development of a method based on on-line reversed phase liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled by means by means of an adsorption-desorption interface for the analysis of selected chiral volatile compounds in methyl jasmonate treated strawberries.” Jounal of Cromatography A. (2010) 1247 1083-1088.


MORENO, F.D., BLANCH, G.P., FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L.  “Impact of postharvest methyl jasmonate treatment on the volatile composition and flavonol content of strawberries”. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90 (2010) 989-994.


MORENO, F.D., MONAGAS, M., BLANCH, G., BARTOLOME, B., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Enhancement of anthocyanins and selected aroma compounds in strawberry fruits through methyl jasmonate vapour treatment”. European Food Research and Technology (2010) 230 989-999.


PEÇANHA F.M., WIGGERS, G.A., BRIONES, A.M., PÉREZ-GIRÓN, J.V., MIGUEL, M., GARCÍA-REDONDO, A.B., VASSALLO, D.V., ALONSO M.J., SALAICES, M.The role of cyclooxygenase (Cox)-2 derived prostanoids on vasoconstrictor responses to phenylephrine is increased by exposure to low mercury concentration”.  Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 61 (2010) 29-36.


PLAZA, M., AMIGO-BENAVENT, M., DEL CASTILLO, M.D., IBÁÑEZ, E., HERERO, M. “Neoformation of antioxidants in glycation model systems treated Ander subcritical water extraction conditions”. Food Reseach International 43 (2010) 1123-1129.


PLAZA, M., SANTOYO, S., JAIME, L., GARCIA-BLAIRSY REINA, G., Herrero, M., Señoráns, FJ, IBÁÑEZ, E. "Screening for bioactive compounds from algae", Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2010) 51 450–455


PEÑA DE LA, F., MONAGAS, M., BLANCH, G.P., BARTOLOME, B., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Enhancement of anthocyanins and selected aroma compounds in strawberry fruits through methyl jasmonate vapour treatment”.  European Food Research Technology (2010)  230 DOI 10.1007/s00217-010-1243-5.


PEÑA DE LA, F., BLANCH, G.P., FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Development of a method based on on-line reversed phase liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled by means of an adsorption-desorption interface for the analysis of selected chiral volatile compounds in methyl jasmonate treated strawberries. Journal of Chromatography A. (2010) 1217 1083-1088.


PEÑAS, E., FRIAS, J., SIDRO, B, VIDAL-VALVERDE, C, “Chemical evaluation and sensory quality of sauerkrauts obtained by natural and induced fermentations at different NaCl levels from Brassica oleracea Var. capitata Cv. Bronco Grown in Eastern Spain. Effect of storage”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 3549-3557.


PEÑAS, E., FRIAS, J., GOMEZ, R., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C, “High highhydrostatic pressure can the microbial quality of sauerkraut during storage”. Food Control (2010) 21 524-528


PEÑAS, E., GOMEZ, R., FRIAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C, “Effects of combined treatments of high pressure, temperature and antimicrobial products on germination of mung bean seeds and antimicrobial quality of sprouts”. Food Control (2010) 21 82-88


PEÇANHA, F.M., WIGGERS, G.A., BRIONES, A.M., PÉREZ-GIRÓN, J.V., MIGUEL, M., GARCÍA-REDONDO, A.B., VASSALLO, D.V., ALONSO, M.J., SALAICES, M. “The role of ciclooxygenase (Cox)-2 derived protanoids on vasoconstrictor responses  to phenylephrine is creased by exposure to low mercury concentration” Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (2010) 61  29-36.   


PLAZA, M., SANTOYO, S.,  JAIME, L., GARCIA-BLAIRSY REINA, G., HERRERO, M., SEÑORANS, F.J., IBÁÑEZ, E. “Screening for bioactive compounds from algae” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2010) 51 450–455


POZO-BAYON, M.A., ANDUJAR-ORTIZ, I., MENDIOLA, J.A. IBAÑEZ, E., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V.Application of supercritical CO2 extraction for the elimination of odorant volatile compounds from winemaking inactive dry yeast preparation”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 (2010) 3772-3778.


POZO-BAYON, M.A, PIMENTA, P., PILCH, S., MASTERS, J.G., JAMES G., MARTIN-ALVAREZ P.J., REINECCIUS, G. “API-IT-MS for measuring aroma release from dentifrice products using a device to simulate tooth brushing”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 5034-5041.   


QUIROS, M., GONZALE Z-RAMOS, D., TABERA, L., GONZALEZ, R. “A new methodology to obtain wine yeast strains overproducing mannoproteins”. International Journal of Food Microbiology 139 (2010) 9-14.   


QUIÑONES, M., SÁNCHEZ, D., MUGUERZA, B., MOULAY, L., MIGUEL, M., ALEIXANDRE A. “Long-term intake of CocoanOX attenuates the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Food Chemistry (2010) 122 1013-1019.


RODRÍGUEZ-MEIZOSO,I., JAIME, L., SANTOYO, S., SEÑORANS, F.J., CIFUENTES, A., IBÁÑEZ, E. “Subcritical water extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds from Haematococcus pluvialis microalga” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2010 ) 51 456–463


RUIZ-MATUTE, A.L., BROKL, M., SORIA, A.C,. SANZ, M.L., MARTINEZ-CASTRO, I. “Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric characterisation of tri-and tetrasaccharides in honey”.  Food Chemistry (2010) 120 637-642.


RODRIGUEZ-NOGALES, J.M., CIFUENTES, A., GARCIA, M.C. “Improved methodology for the characterisation of transgenic Bt-11 maize cultivars using RP-HPLC profiles of albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin protein fractions and chemometric analysis”. Food Chemistry 120 (2010) 1229-1237.   


RUIZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A., REGLERO, G., IBÁÑEZ, E. “Recent trends in the advanced analysis of bioactive fatty acids” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 51 (2010) 305–326


RUIZ-RODRIGUEZ, A., FORNARI, T., HERNANDEZ, E.J., SENORANS, F.J., REGLERO, G. “Thermodynamic modelling of dealcoholization of beverages using supercritical CO2: Application to wine samples”. Journal of Supercritical Fluids 52 (2010) 183-188. 


SÁNCHEZ, D., MOULAY, L., MUGUERZA, B., QUIÑONES, M., MIGUEL. M., ALEIXANDRE, A. “Effect of a soluble cocoa fiber-enriched diet in Zucker fatty rats”. Journal of Food Medicine (2010) (en prensa).


SANCHEZ, D., QUINONES, M., MOULAY L., MUGERZA, B., MIGUELM., ALEIXANDRE,A. “Changes in arterial blood pressure of a soluble cocoa fiber product spontaneously hypertensive rats”. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2010) 58 1493-1501.


SIMON, R., GÓMEZ- RUIZ, J.A ., WENZL, T.  “Results of an European inter-laboratory comparison study on the determination of the 15 +1 EU priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in liquid smoke condensates”. Food Chemistry  (2010) Doi. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.05.016.


SEPULVEDA, E., SAENZ, C., PEÑA, A., PAZ, R., BARTOLOME, B., GOMEZ-CORDOVES, C.“Influence of the genotype on the anthocyanin composition, antioxidant capacity and color of chilean pomegranate (Punica granatum l.) juices”. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70 (2010) 50-57.




AÑO 2009


Publicaciones en Revistas SCI


ALVIS, A., VÉLEZ, C., RADA-MENDOZA, M., VILLAMIEL, M., VILLADA, H.S. “Heat transfer coefficient during deep-fat frying” Food Control (2009) 20 321–325



"Antioxidant Activity of a Red Lentil Extract and Its Fractions"

International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2009) 10 (revista on-line) doi: 10.3390/ijms100x100x


ANDÚJAR-ORTIZ, I., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., POZO-BAYÓN, M.A. “Analytical performance of three commonly used extraction methods for the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of wine volatile compounds” J. Chromatogr. A (2009) 1216 7351–7357


Barba, c., Calvo, m.m., Herraiz, m., Santa-María, g. “Detection of radiolytic hydrocarbons by supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analysis of irradiated cheese” Food Chemistry (2009) 114 1517–1522


BLANCH, G.P., CAJA, M.M., FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Identification of 2-dodecylcyclobutanone and linear-alkanes as irradiation markers in sliced dry-cured ham” Food Chemistry (2009) 113 616–620


BLANCH, G.P., FLORES, G., CAJA, M.M., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Enantioselective isolation of methyl jasmonate using permethyl-b-cyclodextrin HPLC” J. Sep. Sci. 2009, (2009) 32 180–184


Blanch, g.p., Flores, g., Caja, m.m., Ruiz del Castillo, m.l. “Jasminum polyanthum Franch. as a Natural Source of (-)-Methyl Jasmonate: an Alternative to the Use of the Synthetic Standard” Phytochem. Anal. (2009) 20 427–433


BLANCH, G.P., FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Effect of temperature on lipid-derived volatile compounds in boiled potato during storage” J Sci Food Agric 2009; (2009) 89 1012–1017


CABRERA, Z., FERNANDEZ-LORENTE, G., FERNANDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., PALOMO, J.M., GUISAN, J.M. “Enhancement of Novozym-435 catalytic properties by physical or Chemical modification” Process Biochemistry (2009) 44 226–231


Caja, m.m., Herraiz, m. “Rapid screening of volatile compounds in edible plants by direct chromatographic analysis” Food Chemistry (2009) 117 456–460


CARDELLE-COBAS, A., COSTO, R., CORZO, N., VILLAMIEL, M. “Fructo-oligosaccharide changes during the storage of dehydrated commercial garlic and onion samples” International Journal of Food Science and Technology (2009) 44 947–952


CARDELLE-COBAS, A., MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., SANZ M.L., MONTILLA A. “Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analysis of galactosyl derivatives obtained by the action of two different b-galactosidases” Food Chemistry (2009) 114 1099–1105


CEBOLLERO, E., GONZALEZ-RAMOS, D., GONZALEZ, R. “Construction of a recombinant autolytic wine yeast strain overexpresing the csc1-1Allele”.  Biotechnology  Progress 25 (2009) 1598-1604


CHICÓN, R., BELLOQUE, J., ALONSO, E., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Antibody binding and functional properties of whey protein hydrolysates obtained under high pressure” Food Hydrocolloids (2009) 23 593–599


CORZO, M., LEBRÓN, R., VILLAMIEL, M., QUINTANILLA, J.E., MORENO, F.J.“Application of liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the characterization of galactosylated and tagatosylated ßlactoglobulin peptides derived from in vitro gastrointestinal digestion”

J. Chromatogr. A (2009) 1216 7205–7212


CURIEL, J.A., RODRÍGUEZ, H., ACEBRÓN, I., MANCHEÑO, J.M., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MUÑOZ, R. “Production and Physicochemical Properties of Recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum Tannase” J. Agric. Food Chem. (2009) 57 6224–6230



Effects of red grape juice polyphenols in NADPH oxidase subunit expression in human neutrophils and mononuclear blood cells

Brit. J. Nutr., (2009) 102 1125-35.


DÍAZ, P., IbÁÑEZ, E., Reglero, G., SEÑORANS, F.J. “Optimization of summer truffle aroma analysis by SPME: Comparison of extraction with different polarity fibres” LWT - Food Science and Technology 42 (2009) 1253–1259


FERNANDEZ-OROZCO, R., FRIAS, J., ZIELINSKI, H., MUÑOZ, R., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Evaluation of bioprocesses to improve the antioxidant properties of chickpeas” LWT - Food Science and Technology (2009) 42 885–892


GarcÍa-Ruiz, A., BartolomÉ, B., Cueva, c., Martín-Álvarez, p.j., Moreno-Arribas, m.v. “Inactivation of oenological lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus hilgardii and Pediococcus pentosaceus) by wine phenolic compounds” Journal of Applied Microbiology (2009) 107 1042–1053


HernÁndez, o., Ruiz-Matute a.i., Olano, A., Moreno, f.j., Sanz, m.l. “Comparison of fractionation techniques to obtain prebiotic galactooligosaccharides” International Dairy Journal (2009) 19 531–536


Martínez-Rodríguez, A.J., Carrascosa, A.V. “HACCP to control microbial safety hazards during winemaking: Ochratoxin A” Food Control (2009) 20 469–475


MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., HORSZWALD, A., FRÍAS, J., PISKULA, M., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C.,  ZIELINSKI, H. “Effect of flour extraction rate and baking process on vitamin B1 and B2 contents and antioxidant activity of ginger-based products” Eur Food Res Technol (2009) 230 119–124


MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., PEÑAS, E., FRIAS, J., CISKA, E., HONKE, J., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Influence of Fermentation Conditions on Glucosinolates, Ascorbigen, and Ascorbic Acid. Content in White Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv. Taler) cultivated in Different Seasons” JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE (2009) 74, Nr. 1,


MartÍnez-Villaluenga, c., Zielinski, h., Frias, j., Piskuła, m.k., Kozłowska, h., Vidal-Valverde, c. “Antioxidant capacity and polyphenolic content of high-protein lupin products” Food Chemistry (2009) 112 84–88



Compative flavan-3-ol profile and antioxidant capacity of roasted peanut, hazelnut and almond skins

J. Agric. Food Chem., (2009) 57 10590–10599.


MontaÑÉs, f., Fornari, t., Stateva, r.p., Olano a., ibÁÑez, e. “Solubility of carbohydrates in supercritical carbon dioxide with (ethanol +water) cosolvent” J. of Supercritical Fluids (2009) 49 16–22


MONTAÑÉS, F., OLANO, A., REGLERO, G., IBÁÑEZ, E., FORNARI, T. “Supercritical technology as an alternative to fractionate prebiotic Galactooligosaccharides” Separation and Purification Technology (2009) 66 383–389


MONTILLA, A., CORZO, N., OLANO, A., JIMENO, M.L. “Identification of Oligosaccharides Formed during Stachyose Hydrolysis by Pectinex Ultra SP-L” J. Agric. Food Chem. (2009) 57 5007–5013


MORALES, V. SANZ, M.L., MARTIN-ALVAREZ, P.J., CORZO, N.  “Combined use of HMF and furosine to assess fresh honey quality”.J SCI Foood Agtic (2009) 89 1332-1338


MUÑOZ, R., GÓMEZ, A., ROBLES, V., RODRÍGUEZ, P., CEBOLLERO, E., TABERA, L., CARRASCOSA, A.V., GONZÁLEZ, R. “Multilocus sequence typing of oenological Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains” Food Microbiology (2009) 26 841–846


PEÑAS, E., GÓMEZ, R., FRÍAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Efficacy of combinations of high pressure treatment, temperature and antimicrobial compounds to improve the microbiological quality of alfalfa seeds for sprout production” Food Control (2009) 20 31–39


PLAZA, M., HERRERO, M., CIFUENTES, A., IBÁÑEZ, E. “Innovative Natural Functional Ingredients from Microalgae” J. Agric. Food Chem., (2009) Vol. 57, No. 16


POZO-BAYÓN, M.A., ANDUJAR-ORTIZ, I., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V.“Scientific evidences beyond the application of inactive dry yeast preparations in winemaking”. Food Research International (2009) 42 754–761


POZO-BAYÓN, M.A., MARTIN-ALVAREZ, P.J. and REINECCIUS, G.A.  “Monitoring changes in the volatile profile of cheese crackers during storage using GC–MS and PTR–MS”. Flavour Fragr. J. (2009) 24 133–139


Pozo-BayÓn, m.a., Martínez-Rodríguez, a., Pueyo, E., moreno-Arribas, m.v. “Chemical and biochemical features involved in sparkling wine production: from a   traditional to an improved winemaking technology” Trends in Food Science & Technology (2009) 20 289-299


QUIRÓS, A., CONTRERAS, M., RAMOS, M., AMIGO, l., RECIO, I. “Stability to gastrointestinal enzymes and structure–activity relationship of b-casein-peptides with antihypertensive properties” Peptides (2009) 30 1848–1853


RESA, P., ELVIRA, L., MONTERO DE ESPINOSA, F., GONZÁLEZ, R., BARCENILLA, J. “On-line ultrasonic velocity monitoring of alcoholic fermentation kinetics” Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2009) 32 321–331


RIVAS, B. DE LAS, FOX, G.C., ANGULO, I., RIPOLL, MM., RODRÍGUEZ, H., MUÑOZ, R., MANCHEÑO, J.M. “Crystal Structure of the Hexameric Catabolic Ornithine Transcarbamylase from Lactobacillus hilgardii: Structural Insights into the Oligomeric Assembly and Metal Binding” J. Mol. Biol. (2009) 393 425–434


RIVAS, B. DE LAS, RODRÍGUEZ, H., CURIEL, J.A., LANDETE, J.M., MUÑOZ, R. “Molecular Screening of Wine Lactic Acid Bacteria Degrading Hydroxycinnamic Acids” J. Agric. Food Chem. (2009) 57 490–494


RODRIGUÉZ, H., CURIEL, J.A., LANDETE, J.M., DE LAS RIVAS, B., LÓPEZ DE FELIPE, F., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., MANCHEÑO, J.M., MUÑOZ, R. “Food phenolics and lactic acid bacteria” International Journal of Food Microbiology (2009) 132 79–90


RUIZ-MATUTE, A.I., SANZA, M.L., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., MARTÍNEZ-CASTRO, I. “Identification of free disaccharides and other glycosides in wine” J. Chromatogr. A (2009) 1216 7296–7300


RUPEREZ, F.J., GARCIA-MARTINEZ, D., BAENA, B., MAESO, N., VALLEJO, M., ANGULO, S., GARCIA, A., IBAÑEZ, E., SEÑORANS, F.J., CIFUENTES A., BARBAS, C. “Dunaliella salina extract effect on diabetic rats: Metabolic fingerprinting and target metabolite análisis” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2009) 49 786–792


SANMARTÍN, E., ARBOLEYA, J.C., VILLAMIEL, M., MORENO, F.J. “Recent Advances in the Recovery and Improvement of Functional Proteins from Fish Processing By-Products: Use of Protein Glycation as an Alternative Method” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (2009) 8


SANTOYO, S., RODRÍGUEZ-MEIZOSO, A., CIFUENTES, A., JAIME, l., GARCIA-BLAIRSY REINA, G., SEÑORANS, F.J., IBAÑEZ, E. “Green processes based on the extraction with pressurized fluids to obtain potent antimicrobials from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae” LWT - Food Science and Technology (2009) 42 1213–1218


SORIA, A.C., OLANO, A., FRÍAS, J., PEÑAS, E., VILLAMIEL, M. “2-Furoylmethyl amino acids, hydroxymethylfurfural, carbohydrates and β-carotene as qualitymarkers of dehydrated carrots” J Sci Food Agric 2009 (2009) 89 267–273


SORIA, A.C., SANZ, M.L., VILLAMIEL, M. “Determination of minor carbohydrates in carrot (Daucus carota L.) by GC–MS” Food Chemistry (2009) 114 758–762



Profile of plasma and urine metabolites after the intake of almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) polyphenols in humans.

J. Agric. Food Chem. (2009) 57 10134–10142.


VÁZQUEZ, L., HURTADO-BENAVIDES, A.M., REGLERO, G., FORNARI, T., IBÁÑEZ, E., SEÑORÁNS, F.J. “Deacidification of olive oil by countercurrent supercritical carbon dioxide extraction: Experimental and thermodynamic modelling” Journal of Food Engineering (2009) 90 463–470


Publicaciones en Revistas no SCI


CARRASCOSA, A.V. “El Laboratorio de Bacteriología y Serología de la Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid” Rev Esp Patol (2009) Vol 42, n.º 3: 183-190


CARRASCOSA, A.V. “Rendimiento de la bodega y calidad del vino” VinoTeQ, jul-sept (2009) 50-54


CUEVA, C.; MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.C.; VICENTE, F.; BASILIO, A.; BILLS, G.; MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J.; BARTOLOME, B. (2009) Inhibición de bacterias intestinales y patógenos por metabolitos fenólicos derivados de polifenoles del vino. En “Nuevos horizontes en la viticultura y enológia”, E. Falqué López, G. Astray Dopazo, J. A. Ferreiro Lage, J. C. Mejuto Fernández, I. Orriols Fernández (Editores), Universidad de Vigo, Vigo (ISBN 978-84-8158-438-7) pp. 657-660.


GARCÍA-RUIZ, A.; FORNIES, A., BARTOLOME, B.; MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J.; MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.C. (2009) Potencial aplicación de extractos fenólicos como una alternativa natural al sulfuroso para inhibir el crecimiento de bacterias lácticas del vino. En “Nuevos horizontes en la viticultura y enológia”, E. Falqué López, G. Astray Dopazo, J. A. Ferreiro Lage, J. C. Mejuto Fernández, I. Orriols Fernández (Editores), Universidad de Vigo, Vigo (ISBN 978-84-8158-438-7) pp. 355-358.


MARTÍNEZ, C., CARRASCOSA, A.V. “Levadura ecotípica para mejorar la calidad del Albariño” VinoTeQ, jul-sept (2009) 29-31


MARTOS, G, LOPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., MOLINA, E. “Phospholipid interaction with ovalbumin and the influence on its immunoreactivity  and allergenicity after digestion” Journal Compilation _ 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Allergy (2009) 64 (Suppl. 90) 1–98


MONAGAS, M.; BARTOLOMÉ, B. (2009) . Anthocyanins and anthocyanin-derived compounds. En “Wine chemistry and biochemistry” (M.V. Moreno-Arribas, M.C.Polo, Eds.), Springer, New York, pp. 439-462.


MONAGAS, M.; QUINTANILLA-LÓPEZ, J. E.; GOMEZ-CORDOVES, C.; BARTOLOME, B.; LEBRÓN-AGUILAR, R. (2009) Análisis de las proantocianidinas de la uva por MALDI-TOF MS. En “Nuevos horizontes en la viticultura y enológia”, E. Falqué López, G. Astray Dopazo, J. A. Ferreiro Lage, J. C. Mejuto Fernández, I. Orriols Fernández (Editores), Universidad de Vigo, Vigo (ISBN 978-84-8158-438-7) pp. 631-634.


MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V.; FORNIES, A.; BARTOLOME, B.; MARTÍN-ALVARÉZ, P.J.; GARCÍA-RUIZ, A. (2009) Inhibition of the growth of malolactic bacteria by wine phenolic compounds. En  “32nd World Congress of vine and wine”, Pankretic, B. (Ed), Croacian Minitry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Zagreb (ISBN 978-953-6718-11-5) pp.67-68.




AÑO 2008


ALCAIDE-HIDALGO, J.M., GARCÍA-RUIZ, A., POZO-BAYÓN, M.A., NAVASCÚES, E.,  MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Influencia del empleo de nutrientes fermentativos en la producción de aminas biógenas por bacterias lácticas del vino”. En: Proceedings of the VI Foro Mundial del Vino. Gobierno de la Rioja (2008) pp. 78. Eds. Logroño, España. ISBN: 978-84-8125-306-1.


ALCAIDE-HIDALGO, J.M., MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A.J., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., PUEYO, E. “Influence of the elaboration process on the peptide fraction with angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor activity in sparkling wines and red wines aged on lees”. Food Chem. (2008) 111 965-969.


ALCAIDE-HIDALGO, J.M., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., POLO, M.C., PUEYO, E. “Partial characterization of peptides from red wines changes during malolactic fermentation and aging with lees”. Food Chem. (2008) 107 622-630.


AMAROWICZ, R., ESTRELLA, I., HERNÁNDEZ, T., TOROSZYNSKA, A. "Antioxidant activity of extract of adzuki bean and its fractions". J. Food Lipids (2008) 15 119-136.


AMIGO, L. “Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales: un equipo multidisciplinar para mejorar la calidad sensorial, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos”. Alimentaria (2008) Especial Invierno08 104-108.


AMIGO-BENAVENT, M., SILVÁN, J.M., MORENO, F.J., VILLAMIEL, M., DEL CASTILLO, M.D. “Protein Quality, Antigenicity, and Antioxidant Activity of Soy-Based Foodstuffs”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2008) 56 6498–6505.


AMIGO-BENAVENT, M., VILLAMIEL, M., DEL CASTILLO, M.D. “Structure and antigenicity changes in 7S soyabean allergen by enzymic deglycosylation”. Proceedings Nutr. Soc. (2008) 67 E24.


BARBAS, C., CIFUENTES, A. “Omics”/CE and CE-MS for Metabonomics/Metabolomics”. En: Encyclopedia of Separation Science, online update. Editors: Colin F. Poole and Ian D. Wilson. (2007) pp. 1- 8. Editorial: Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford. ISBN: 978-0-12-226770-3.


BARTOLOME, B.; MONAGAS, M.; GARRIDO, I.; LEBRÓN-AGUILAR, R.; GOMEZ-CORDOVES, C. “Evidence for type-A and type-B procyanidins, prodelphinidins and propelargonidins in almond skins”. En “Polyphenols communications 2008” (2008). M.T. Escribano-Bailón, S. González-Manzano, A. M. González-Paramás, M. Dueñas-Patón, C. Santos-Buelga. pp.289-290. (Editores), University of Salamanca, Salamanca. ISBN 978-84-691-4333-9.


BARTOLOMÉ, B., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., RIVÁS RUBIO, A.M., GARCÍA MARTÍN, S. “Problemática de los sulfitos en la alimentación. Posibles alternativas”. Nutr. Clin. Diet Hosp. (2008) 28 51.


BELLOQUE, J., CHICÓN, R.,  RECIO, I. “Quality Control”. En: Milk Processing and Quality Management (2008) Society of Dairy Technology, Technical Series, A. Tamime. Chapter 4, Editorial: Blackwell Publ. Ltd, Reino Unido. ISBN-13:  9781405145305.


BELLOQUE, J., CHICÓN, R., ALONSO, E., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Effect of combined use of high pressure and proteolytic enzymes on milk allergens”. En: Food Contaminants. Mycotoxins and Food Allergens (2008). Darsa P. Siantar, Mary W. Trucksess, Peter M. Scott and Eliot M. Herman, eds. ACS Symposium Series, 1001, chapter 25, pp. 400-410, Editorial: ACS Publications, USA. ISBN: 1405145307.


BERNAL, J., RODRÍGUEZ-MEIZOSO, I., ELVIRA, C., IBÁÑEZ, E., CIFUENTES, A. “Fast and easy coating for capillary electrophoresis based on a physically adsorbed cationic copolymer”. J. Cromatgr. A (2008) 1204 104-109.


BOSCH, L., SANZ, M.L., MONTILLA, A., ALEGRÍA, A., FARRÉ, R., DEL CASTILLO, M.D. “Simultaneous analysis of lysine, Ne-carboxymethyllysine and lysinoalanine from proteins”. J. Chromatogr. B (2008)doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2007.10.011


CABRERA, Z., FERNÁNDEZ-LORENTE, G., PALOMO, J.M., GUISAN, J.M., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R. “Asymmetric hydrolysis of dimethyl 3-phenylglutarate catalyzed by Lecitase Ultra®. Effect of the immobilization protocol on its catalytic properties”. Enzyme Microb. Tech. (2008) 43 531–536. 


CAJA, M.M., BLANCH, G.P., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. “Online RPLC-GC via TOTAD Method To Isolate (+)-Methyl Epijasmonate from Lemon (Citrus limon Burm.)”. J. Agric Food Chem. (2008) 56 5475-5479.


CAJA, M.M., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., BLANCH, G.P. “Solid-phase microextraction as a methodology in the detection of irradiation markers in ground beef”. Food Chem. (2008) 110 531-537.


CALVO, M.M., GARCÍA, M.L., SELGAS, M.D. “Dry fermented sausages enriched with lycopene from tomato peel”. Meat Sci.  (2008) 80 167–172.


CALVO, M.M., SANTA-MARÍA, G. “Effect of illumination and chlorophylls on stability of tomato carotenoids”. Food Chem. (2008) 107 1365-1370.


CARDELLE-COBAS, A., CORZO, N., VILLAMIEL, M., OLANO, A. “Isomerization of Lactose-Derived Oligosaccharides: A Case Study Using Sodium Aluminate”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2008) 56 10954-10959.


CARDELLE-COBAS, A., MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., VILLAMIEL, M., OLANO, A., CORZO, N. “Synthesis of Oligosaccharides Derived from Lactulose and Pectinex Ultra SP-L”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2008) 56 3328-3333.


CARDELLE-COBAS, A., VILLAMIEL, M., OLANO, A., CORZO, N. “Study of galacto-oligosaccharide formation from lactose using Pectinex Ultra SP-L”. J. Sci. Food Agric. (2008) 88 954-961.


CARRASCO-LÓPEZ, C., GODOY, C., DE LAS RIVAS, B., FERNÁNDEZ-LORENTE, G., PALOMO, J.M., GUISÁN, J.M., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., MARTÍNEZ-RIPOLL, M., HERMOSO, J.A. “Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the BTL2 lipase from extremophilic microorganism Bacillus thermocatenulatus”. Acta Crystallog. F (2008) 64 1043-1045.


CARRILLO, W., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., BELLOQUE, J., MOLINA, E. “Immunogenic properties of hen egg white lysozyme digests”. Allergy (2008) 63 (Suppl. 88) 404-405.


CHICÓN, R., BELLOQUE, J., ALONSO, E., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Immunoreactivity and digestibility of high-pressure-treated whey proteins”. Int. Dairy J. (2008) 18 367-376.


CHICÓN, R., BELLOQUE, J., ALONSO, E., MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Hydrolysis Ander high hydrostatic presure as a means to reduce the binding of ß-lactoglobulin to immunoglobulin E from human sera”. J. Food Protect. (2008) 71 1453-1459.


CHICÓN, R., LÓPEZ-EXPÓSITO, I., BELLOQUE, J., ALONSO, E., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Hydrolysis under High Hydrostatic Pressure as a Means to Reduce the Potencial Allergenicity of b-Lactoglobulin”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (2008) 121 S249.


CHICÓN, R., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., ALONSO, E., BELLOQUE, J. “Proteolytic pattern, antigenicity, and serum immunoglobulin E binding of β-Lactoglobulin hydrolysates obtained by pepsin and high-pressure treatments”. J. Dairy Sci. (2008) 91 928-938.


CONTRERAS, M.M., LÓPEZ-EXPÓSITO, I., HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., RAMOS, M., RECIO, I. “Application of mass spectrometry to the characterization and quantification of Fdo-drived boactive peptides”. J. AOAC Int. (2008) 91 981-994.


CORZO-MARTÍNEZ, M., MORENO, F.J., OLANO, A., VILLAMIEL, M. “Structural Characterization of Bovine ß-Lactoglobulin-Galactose/Tagatose Maillard Complexes by Electrophoretic, Chromatographic, and Spectroscopic Methods”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2008) 56 4244-4252.


CUEVA, C., LÓPEZ-EXPÓSITO, I., POZO-BAYÓN, M.A., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., BARTOLOMÉ, B. “In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of wine phenolics and their metabolites towards Escherichia coli”. En: Proceedings of the WAC2008 International conference. David Chassagne (2008) pp 57-58. Eds. Oenoplurimedia, Francia. ISBN:2-905428-31-7.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., GONZÁLEZ, R., LANDETE, J.M., MUÑOZ, R. “Characterization of a second ornithine decarboxylase isolated from Morganella morganii”. J. Food Protect.(2008) 71 657-661.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., RODRÍGUEZ, H., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MUÑOZ, R. “Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a histidine decarboxylase from Staphylococcus capitis”. J. Appl. Microbiol. (2008) 104 194-203.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., RUIZ-CAPILLAS, C., CARRASCOSA, A.V., CURIEL, J.A., JIMÉNEZ-COLMENERO, F., MUÑOZ, R. “Biogenic amine production by Gram-positive bacteria isolated from Spanish dry-cured ‘‘chorizo” sausage treated with high pressure and kept in chilled storage”. Meat Sci. (2008) 80 272-277.


ERNY, G.L., CIFUENTES, A. “Capillary Electrophoresis / Coated Columns”, En: Encyclopedia of Separation Science, online update. Editors: Colin F. Poole and Ian D. Wilson. (2007) pp. 1- 7. Editorial: Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford. ISBN: 978-0-12-226770-3.


ERNY, G.L., LEÓN, C., MARINA, M.L., CIFUENTES. A. “Time of flight versus ion trap MS coupled to CE to analyse intact proteins”. J. Sep. Sci. (2008) 31 1810-1818.


ESTRELLA I., DÍAZ S., HERNÁNDEZ T., AGUILERA Y., MARTÍN-CABREJAS M. A., ESTEBAN R. M. "Efecto del proceso industrial de deshidratación en la composición fenólica de lentejas". Alimentaria. Investigación, Tecnología y Seguridad. (2008), nº 394 75-76.


FERNÁNDEZ-LORENTE, G., CABRERA, Z., GODOY, C.A., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., PALOMO, J.M., GUISAN, J.M. “Interfacially activated lipases against hydrophobic supports: Effect of the support nature on the biocatalytic properties”. Process Biochem. (2008) 43 1061- 1067.


FERNÁNDEZ-LORENTE, G., GODOY, C.A., MENDES, A.A., LÓPEZ-GALLEGO, F., GRAZU, V., DE LAS RIVAS, B., PALOMO, J.M., HERMOSO, J., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., GUISAN, J.M. “Solid-Phase Chemical Amination of a Lipase from Bacillus thermocatenulatus To Improve Its Stabilization via Covalent Immobilization on Highly Activated Glyoxyl-Agarose”. Biomacromolecules (2008) 9 2553- 2561.                             


FERNANDEZ-OROZCO, R., FRIAS, J., MUÑOZ, R.,  ZIELINSKI, H., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Effect of fermentation conditions on the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant capacity of Lupinus angustifolius cv. Zapaton”. Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2008) 227 979-988.


FERNANDEZ-OROZCO, R., FRIAS, J., ZIELINSKI, H., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Kinetic study of the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant capacity during germination of Vigna radiata cv. emmerald, Glycine max cv. Jutro and Glycine max cv. Merit”. Food Chem. (2008) 111 622-630.


FILHO, M., PESSELA, B.C., MATEO, C., CARRASCOSA, A.V., FERNANDEZ-LAFUENTE, R. GUISÁN, J.M. Immobilization-stabilization of an α-galactosidase from Thermus sp. strain T2 by covalent immobilization on highly activated supports: Selection of the optimal immobilization strategy”. Enzyme Microb. Tech. (2008) 42 265-271.


FILHO, M., PESSELA, B.C., MATEO, C., CARRASCOSA, A.V., FERNANDEZ-LAFUENTE, R. GUISÁN, J.M. “Reversible immobilization of a hexameric alpha-galactosidase from Thermus sp. T2 on polymeric exchangers”. Process Biochem. (2008) 43 1142-1146.


FLORES, G., BLANCH, G.P., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L.“Through oven transfer adsorption–desorption interface for the analysis of methyl jasmonate in aromatic samples by on-line RPLC-GC”. J. Sep. Sci. (2008) 31 1207 – 1214.


FLORES, G., DÍAZ-PLAZA. E.M., CORTÉS, J.M., VILLÉN, J., HERRAIZ, M. “Use of absorbent materials in on-line coupled reversed-phase liquid chromatography–gas chromatography via the through oven transfer adsorption desorption interface”. J. Chrom. A 1211 (2008) 1211 99–103.


FORNARI, T., STATEVA, R.P., SEÑORANS, F.J., REGLERO, G. IBÁÑEZ, E. “Applying UNIFAC-based models to predict the solubility of solids in subcritical water”. J. Supercrit. Fluid (2008) 46 245-251.


FORNARI, T., VÁZQUEZ, L., TORRES, C.F., IBÁÑEZ, E., SEÑORÁNS, F.J., REGLERO, G. “Countercurrent supercritical fluid extraction of different lipid-type materials: Experimental and thermodynamic modeling”. J. Supercrit. Fluid (2008) 45 206-212.


FRÍAS. J., SONG, Y.S., MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., GONZÁLEZ DE MEJÍA, E., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Fermented soyabean products as hypoallergenic Food”. Proceeding Nutr. Soc. (2008) 67 E39.


FRÍAS. J., SOO SONG, Y., MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., GONZÁLEZ DE MEJÍA, E., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Immunoreactivity and Amino Acid Content of Fermented Soybean Products”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2008) 56 99-105.


GAÑAN, M., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, A.J. “Manoproteínas derivadas de la pared celular de levaduras y su aplicación en la industria alimentaria”. Alimentaria (2008) 396 70-74.


GAÑAN, M., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, A.J. “Quitosanos como compuestos de utilidad potencial en el control de Campylobacter spp. en la industria alimentaria”. Alimentaria (2008) 394 74-75.


GARCÍA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A.“Recent advances in the application of capillary electromigration methods for food analysis”.
Electrophoresis (2008) 29 294-309.


GARCÍA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A. “Simultaneous Confirmatory Analysis of Different Transgenic Maize (Zea mays) Lines Using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Analysis and Capillary Gel Electrophoresis with Laser Induced Fluorescence Detection”. J. Agric. Fdo Chem. (2008) 56 8280-8286.


GARCIA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A.  “Capillary Zone Electrophoresis” En: Modern Techniques for Food Authentication (2008). Editor: Da W. Sun. Amsterdam, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-374085-4.


GARCIA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A. “Electrophoretic technique: Capillary Zone Electrophoresis” En: Modern Techniques for Food Authentication (2008). pp. 521-541. Editor: Da W. Sun. Amsterdam, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-374085-4.


GARCÍA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A. “Principles of Nutrigenomics”. Chromedia (http//:www.chromedia.org), septiembre (2008).


GARCÍA-RUIZ, A., BARTOLOMÉ, B., MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A.J., PUEYO, E. MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Potential of phenolic compounds for controlling lactic acid bacteria growth in wine”. Food Control (2008) 19 835-841.


GARCÍA-RUIZ, A., GONZÁLEZ-ROMPINELLI, E., CUEVA, C., POZO-BAYÓN, M.A., BARTOLOMÉ, B., MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Potencial de bacterias lácticas aisladas de ecosistemas vínicos para degradar aminas biógenas”. Enólogos (2008) 54 52-55.


GARCÍA-RUIZ, A., ENRIQUE, M., MANZANARES, P., MARCOS, J.M., BARTOLOMÉ, B., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Potencial de polifenoles y de péptidos antimicrobianos para reducir el empleo del SO2 en enología”. En: Proceedings of the VI Foro Mundial del Vino. Gobierno de la Rioja (2008) pp. 78. Eds Logroño, España. ISBN: 978-84-8125-306-1.


GARCÍA-RUIZ, A., LÓPEZ-EXPÓSITO, I., DÍAZ, S., BARTOLOMÉ, B., POZO-BAYÓN, M.A., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Evaluation of the dual antibacterial and antioxidant activities of wine polyphenols”. En: Proceedings of the WAC2008 International conference. (2008). David Chassagne, pp. 36-38. Eds. Oenoplurimedia, Francia. ISBN:2-905428-31-7.


GARCÍA-VILLALBA, R., LEÓN, C., DINELLI, G., SEGURA-CARRETERO, A., FERNÁNDEZ-GUTIÉRREZ, A., GARCIA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A. “Comparative metabolomic study of transgenic versus conventional soybean using capillary electrophoresis–time-of-flight mass spectrometry”. J. Chromatogr. A (2008) 1195 164-173.


GARRIDO, I., MONAGAS, M., BARTOLOMÉ, B., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C. “Capacidad antioxidante y composición fenólica de la piel de la almendra”. Alimentaria (2008) 391 109.


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AÑO 2007


ALCAIDE-HIDALGO, J.M., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., POLO, C. "Influence of malolactic fermentation, postfermentative treatments and ageing with lees on nitrogen compounds of red wines". Food Chem. (2007) 103 572-581.


ALCAIDE-HIDALGO, J.M., PUEYO, E., POLO, M.C., MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A.J. “Bioactive peptides released from Saccharomyces cerevisiae under accelerated autolysis in a wine model system”. J. Food Sci. (2007) 72 276-279.


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AMIGO-BENAVENT, M. VILLAMIEL, M., DEL CASTILLO, M.D. "Glicoproteínas: Propiedades, funciones y aplicaciones". Alim. Nutri. Salud (2007) (14) 1-11.


BARBAS, C., CIFUENTES, A. “Omics”/CE and CE-MS for Metabonomics/Metabolomics”. En: Encyclopedia of Separation Science, online update. Editors: Colin F. Poole and Ian D. Wilson. (2007) pp. 1- 8. Editorial: Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford. ISBN: 978-0-12-226770-3.


BELLOQUE, J., CHICÓN, R., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Unfolding and refolding of ß-lactoglobulin subjected to sigh hydrostatic pressure at different pH values and temperatures and its influence on proteolysis”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 5282-5288.


BIASZCZAK, W., DOBLADO, R., FRIAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C., SADOWSKA, J., FORNAL, J. "Microstructural and biochemical changes in raw and germinated cowpea seeds upon high-pressure treatment". Food Res. Int. (2007) 40 415-423.


BOSCH, L., SANZ, M.L., MONTILLA, A., ALEGRÍA, A., FARRÉ, R., DEL CASTILLO, M.D. “Simultaneous analysis of lysine, Nε-carboxymethyllysine and lysinoalanine from proteins”. J. Chromatogr. B (2007) 860 69-77.


BLANCH, G.P., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., CAJA, M.M., PÉREZ-MÉNDEZ, M., SÁNCHEZ-CORTÉS, S. “Stabilization of all-trans-lycopene from tomato by encapsulation using cyclodextrins”. Food Chem. (2007) 105 1335-1341.


BRAVO, F.I., VILLAMIEL, M., MOLINA, E. "Emulsifying properties of α-lactalbumin after high-pressure treatment and subsequent lactosylation". High Pressure Res. (2007) 26 115-119.


CALVO, M.M., DADO, D., SANTA-MARÍA, G. "Influence of extraction with ethanol or ethyl acetate on the yield of lycopene, β-carotene, phytoene and phytofluene from tomato peel powder". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2007) 224 567-571.


CAPUANO, E., FEDELE, F., MENNELLA, C., VISCIANO, M., NAPOLITANO, A., LANZUISE, E., RUOCCO, M., LORITO, M., DEL CASTILLO, M.D., FOGLIANO, V. "Studies on the effect of Amadoriase from Aspergillus fumigatus on peptide and protein glycation In vitro". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 4189-4195.


CARRASCO-PANCORBO, A., CIFUENTES, A., CORTACERO-RAMÍREZ, S., SEGURA-CARRETERO, A., FERNÁNDEZ-GUTÍERREZ, A. "Coelectroosmotic capillary electrophoresis of phenolic acids and derivatized amino acids using N,N-dimethylacrylamide-ethylpyrrolidine methacrylate physically coated capillaries". Talanta (2007) 71 397-405.


CARRASCOSA, A.V. "Los orígenes de la microbiología enológica española". La Semana Vitivinícola (2007) (3162) 809-813.


CEBOLLERO, E., GONZÁLEZ, R. “Autophagy: From basic research to its application in food biotechnology”. Biotechnol. Adv. (2007) 25 396-409.


CEBOLLERO, E., GONZÁLEZ-RAMOS, D., TABERA, L., GONZÁLEZ, R. “Transgenic wine yeast technology comes of age: is it time for transgenic wine?”. Biotechnol Lett (2007) 29 191-200.


CIFUENTES, A. Editorial: “ Alejandro Cifuentes, Salvatore Fanali, Luigi Mondillo”. J. Sep. Sci. (2007) 30 429.

CIFUENTES, A. Editorial: “Capillary electromigration methods in food and beverage analysis”. Electrophoresis (2007) 28 4011-4012.


CORZO-MARTÍNEZ, M., CORZO, N., VILLAMIEL, M. “Biological properties of onions and garlic”. Trends Food Sci. Tech. (2007) 18 609-625.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MUÑOZ, R. "Gene cloning, expression, and functional characterization of an ornithine decarboxylase protein from Serratia liquefaciens IFI65". J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2007) 17 408-413.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., CURIEL, J.A., MANCHENO, J.M., MUÑOZ, R. "Expression vectors for enzyme restriction- and ligation-independent cloning for producing recombinant his-fusion proteins". Biotechnol. Prog. (2007) 23 680-686.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., MARCOBAL, A., MUÑOZ, R. "Gene organization of the ornithine decarboxylase-encoding region in Morganella morganii". J. Appl. Microbiol. (2007) 102 1551-1560.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., MARCOBAL, A., MUÑOZ, R. "Técnica de secuenciación multiocular. Identificación de cepas Oenococcus oeni y Lactobacillus plantarum". La Semana Vitivinícola (2007) (3161) 726-734.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., MARCOBAL, A., MUÑOZ, R. “MLST (Multilocus sequence typing): Un método molecular para la caracterización inequívoca de cepas de Oenococcus oeni y Lactobacillus plantarum”. En: “Avances en Ciencias y Técnicas Enológicas”. (2007) pp. 34-35. Editorial: Junta de Extremadura (Consejería de Economía y Trabajo). ISBN 978-84-690-6060-5.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., RODRÍGUEZ, H., ANGULO, I., MUÑÓZ, R., MANCHEÑO, J.M. “Overexpression, purification, crystallization and preliminary structural studies of catabolic ornithine transcarbamylase from Lactobacillus hilgardii”. Acta Cryst. F (2007). 63 563-567.


DEL CASTILLO, M.D., FERRIGNO, A., ACAMPA, I., BORRELLI, R.C., OLANO, A., MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A., FOGLIANO, V. "In vitro release of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, peroxyl-radical scavengers and antibacterial compounds by enzymatic hydrolysis of glycated gluten". J. Cereal Sci. (2007) 45 327-334.


DEL PRETE, V., RODRIGUEZ, H., CARRASCOSA, A.V., DE LAS RIVAS, B., GARCIA-MORUNO, E., MUÑOZ, R. “In vitro removal of ochratoxin a by wine lactic acid bacteria”. J. Food Protect. (2007) 70 2155-2160.


DEL PRETE, V., RODRÍGUEZ, H., CARRASCOSA, A. V., DE LAS RIVAS, B., GARCÍA-MORUNO, E., MUÑOZ, R. “Eliminación de ocratoxina A mediante bacterias lácticas del vino”. Sevi (2007) (3192) 3382-3386.


DINELLI, G., ALOISIO, I., BONETTI, A., MAROTTI, I., CIFUENTES, A. "Compositional changes induced by UV-B radiation treatment of common bean and soybean seedlings monitored by capillary electrophoresis with diode array detection". J. Sep. Sci. (2007) 30 604-611.


DOBLADO, R., FRÍAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. "Changes in vitamin C content and antioxidant capacity of raw and germinated cowpea (Vigna sinensis var. carilla) seeds induced by high pressure treatment". Food Chem. (2007) 101 918-923.


DUEÑAS, M., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I. "Changes in the content of bioactive polyphenolic compounds of lentils by the action of exogenous enzymes. Effect on their antioxidant activity". Food Chem. (2007) 101 90-97.


DUEÑAS, M., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I. “Influence of the action of exogenous enzymes on the polyphenolic composition of pea: effect on the antioxidant activity”. Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2007) 225 493-500.


ERNY, G.L., CIFUENTES, A. “Capillary Electrophoresis / Coated Columns”, En: Encyclopedia of Separation Science, online update. Editors: Colin F. Poole and Ian D. Wilson. (2007) pp. 1- 7. Editorial: Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford. ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-12-226770-3.


ERNY, G.L., CIFUENTES, A. "Simplified 2-D CE-MS mapping: Analysis of proteolytic digests". Electrophoresis (2007) 28 1335-1344.


ERNY, G.L., MARINA, M.L., CIFUENTES, A. “CE-MS of zein proteins from conventional and transgenic maize”. Electrophoresis (2007) 28 4192-4201. .


FERNÁNDEZ-OROZCO, R., FRIAS, J., MUÑOZ, R., ZIELINSKI, H., PISKULA, M.K., KOZLOWSKA, H., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Fermentation as a bio-process to obtain functional soybean flours”. J. Agric. Food Chem.(2007) 558972-8979.


FLORES, G., HERRAIZ, M., BLANCH, G.P., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. "Polydimethylsiloxane as a packing material in a programmed temperature vaporizer to introduce large-volume samples in capillary gas chromatography". J. Chromatogr. Sci. (2007) 45 33-37.


FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., HERRAIZ, M. "Absorbents as packing materials in on-line coupling of reversed phase liquid chromatography and gas chromatography via a programmed temperature vaporizer". J. Chromatogr. A. (2007) 1153 29-35.


FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., HERRAIZ, M. “Enantiomeric analysis of β-pinene and limonene by direct coupling of reversed phase liquid chromatography and gas chromatography using absorbents as packing materials”. J. Sep. Sci. (2007) 30 2780-2785.


FRÍAS, J., MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., GULEWICZ, P., PEREZ-ROMERO, A., PILARSKI, R., GULEWICZ, K., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. “Biogenic amines and HL60 citotoxicity of alfalfa and fenugreek sprouts”. Food Chem. (2007) 105 959-967.


GAÑAN, M., MARTINEZ-RODRIGUEZ, A.J., CARRASCOSA, A.V. “Manoproteínas de levadura y su aplicación en la industria cárnica”. Eurocarne (2007) (155)119-124.


GARAI, G., DUEÑAS, M.T., IRASTORZA, A., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Biogenic amine production by lactic acid bacteria isolated from cider”. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. (2007) 45 473-478.


GARCÍA-CAÑAS, V., CIFUENTES, A. “Detection of microbial food contaminants and their products by capillary electromigration techniques”. Electrophoresis (2007) 28 4013-4030.


GARCÍA-RUIZ, A., BARTOLOMÉ, B., MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A.J., PUEYO, E. MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Nuevas perspectivas de la aplicación de los polifenoles como antimicrobianos en enología”. ACE Revista de Enología (2007) http://www.acenologia.com/ciencia83.htm


GARCÍA-RUIZ, C., GARCÍA, M.C., CIFUENTES, A., MARINA, M.L. “Characterization and differentiation of diverse transgenic and nontransgenic soybean varieties from CE protein profiles”. Electrophoresis (2007) 28 2314-2323.


GARRIDO, I., BARTOLOMÉ, B., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C. “Hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacities of commercial dietary antioxidant supplements”. Ital. J. Food Sci. (2007) 19 343-350.


GARRIDO, I., MONAGAS, M., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B. “Extracción de antioxidantes a partir de subproductos del procesado de la almendra”. Grasas Aceites (2007) 58 130-135.


GÓMEZ-PRIETO, M.S., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., FLORES, G., SANTA-MARÍA, G., BLANCH, G.P. “Application of Chrastil’s model to the extraction in SC-CO2 of b-carotene and lutein in Mentha spicata L.”. J. Supercrit. Fluids (2007) 43 32-36.


GÓMEZ-RUIZ, J.A., RAMOS, M., RECIO, I. “Identification of novel angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides from ovine milk proteins by CE-MS and chromatographic techniques”. Electrophoresis (2007) 28 4202-4211.


GÓMEZ-RUIZ, J.A., TABORDA, G., AMIGO, L., RAMOS, M., MOLINA, E. “Sensory and mass spectrometric analysis of the peptidic fraction lower than one thousand daltons in Manchego cheese”. J. Dairy Sci. (2007) 90 4966-4973.


GONZÁLEZ, R., BARCENILLA, J.M., TABERA, L. “Cepas vínicas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae con bajo rendimiento en etanol”. ACE Revista de Enología (2007) http://www.acenologia.com/ciencia86.htm


GONZÁLEZ-VIÑAS, M.A., BALLESTEROS, C. MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J., CABEZAS, L. “Relationship between sensory and instrumental measurements of texture for artisanal and industrial Manchego cheeses”. J. Sens. Stud. (2007) 22 462-476.


HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I., DUEÑAS, M., FERNÁNDEZ DE SIMÓN, B., CADAHÍA, E. "Influence of wood origin in the polyphenolic composition of a Spanish red wine aging in bottle, after storage in barrels of Spanish, French and American oak wood". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2007) 224 695-705.


HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I., PÉREZ-GORDO, M., ALEGRÍA, E.G., TENORIO, C., RUIZ-LARRREA, F., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. “Contribution of malolactic fermentation by Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus plantarum to the changes in the nonanthocyanin polyphenolic composition of red wine”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 5260-5266.


HERNÁNDEZ-BORGES, J., BORGES-MIQUEL, T.M., RODRÍGUEZ-DELGADO, M.A., CIFUENTES, A. “Sample treatments prior to capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry”. J. Chromatogr. A (2007) 1153 214-226.


HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., AMIGO, L., RECIO, I., BARTOLOME, B. "ACE-inhibitory and radical-scavenging activity of peptides derived from β-Lactoglobulin f(19-25). Interactions with ascorbic acid". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 3392-3397.


HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., MIGUEL, M., AMIGO, L., ALEIXANDRE, M.A., RECIO, I. “Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion on the antihypertensive properties of β-lactoglobulin-derived peptides”. J. Dairy Res. (2007) 74 336-339.


HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., QUIRÓS, A., AMIGO, L., RECIO, I. "Identification of bioactive peptides after digestion of human milk and infant formula with pepsin and pancreatin". Int. Dairy J. (2007) 17 42-49.


HERRAIZ, T. “Identification and occurrence of β-carboline alkaloids in raisins and Inhibition of monoamine oxidase (MAO)”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 8534-8540.


HERRAIZ, T., GUILLÉN, H., GALISTEO, J. “N-Methyltetrahydro-ß-carboline analogs of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) neurotoxin are oxidized to neurotoxic ß-carbolinium cations by heme peroxidases”. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Commun. (2007) 356 118-123.


HERRERO, M., IBÁÑEZ, E., FANALI, S., CIFUENTES, A. “Quantitation of chiral amino acids from microalgae by MEKC and LIF detection”. Electrophoresis (2007) 282701-2709.


HERRERO, M., IBÁÑEZ, E., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., CIFUENTES, A. “Analysis of chiral amino acids in conventional and transgenic maize”. Anal. Chem. (2007) 79 5071-5077.


HERRERO, M., VICENTE, M.J., CIFUENTES, A., IBÁÑEZ, E. "Characterization by high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry of the lipid fraction of Spirulina platensis pressurized ethanol extract". Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2007) 21 1729-1738.


HOUPALATI, R., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., ANTON, M., SCHADE, R. “Bioactive Egg Compounds. Characterization and Application”. (2007). Editorial: Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York. ISBN-13: 978-3-540-37883-9.


JAIME, L., MENDIOLA, J.A., IBÁÑEZ, E., MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J., CIFUENTES, A., REGLERO, G., SEÑORANS, J. “ß-Carotene isomer composition of sub- and supercritical carbon dioxide extract. Antioxidant activity measurement”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 10585-10590.


JIMÉNEZ-CASTAÑO, L., VILLAMIEL, M., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Glycosylation of individual whey proteins by Maillard reaction using dextran of different molecular mass". Food Hydrocolloids (2007) 21 433-443.


LANDETA, G., DE LAS RIVAS, B., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MUÑOZ, R. “Screening of biogenic amine production by coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated during industrial Spanish dry-cured ham processes”. Meat Sci. (2007) 77 556-561.


LANDETE, J.M., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MARCOBAL, A., MUÑOZ, R. “Molecular methods for the detection of biogenic amine-producing bacteria on foods”. Int. J. Food Microbiol. (2007) 117 258-269.


LANDETE, J. M., RODRÍGUEZ, H., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MUÑOZ, R. “Degradación de compuestos fenólicos presentes en vino mediante cepas de Lactobacillus plantarum”. En: “Avances en Ciencias y Técnicas Enológicas”. (2007) pp. 49-51. Editorial: Junta de Extremadura (Consejería de Economía y Trabajo). ISBN 978-84-690-6060-5.


LANDETE, J.M., RODRÍGUEZ, H., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MUÑOZ, R. “High-added-value antioxidants obtained from the degradation of wine phenolics by Lactobacillus plantarum. J. Food Protect. (2007) 70 2670-2675.


LÓPEZ-EXPÓSITO, I., QUIRÓS, A., AMIGO, L., RECIO. I. "Casein hydrolysates as source of antimicrobial, antioxidant and antihypertensive peptides".Lait (2007) 87 241-249.


LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., RECIO, I., RAMOS, M. “Egg-protein-derived peptides with antihypertensive activity”. En: Bioactive egg compounds. Editors: Rainer Houpalahti, Rosina López-Fandiño, Marc Anton and Rüdiger Schade. Editorial: Springer (Berlin) Alemania. (2007) pp.199-209. ISBN: 978-3-540-37883-9.


LÓPEZ SOTO-YARRITU, P., AMIGO, L., TABORDA, G., MARTÍNEZ-CASTRO, I., GÓMEZ-RUIZ, J.A. “Identification of the aroma compounds responsible for the floral/rose flavor in water-soluble fractions of Manchego cheese”. J. Dairy Sci. (2007) 90 5001-5003.


MANSO, M.A.,  MIGUEL, M., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Application of capillary zone electrophoresis to the characterisation of the human milk protein profile and its evolution throughout lactation".J. Chromatogr. A, (2007) 1146 110-117.


MARCOBAL, A., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MUÑOZ, R. "Aminas biógenas en alimentos: Métodos de detección de bacterias productoras". Alimentaria (2007) (379) 66-72.


MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A., CARRASCOSA, A. "Control APPCC de ocratoxina A en vino". http://www.acenologia.com/ciencia78_1.htm


MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A., CARRASCOSA, A. "Eliminación de la ocratoxina A por APPCC": La Semana Vitivinícola (2007) (3152) 6-15.


MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A., CARRASCOSA, A. "Micotoxinas y vino". http://www.acenologia.com/dossier78.htm


MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A.J., GAÑAN, M., PASCUAL-TERESA, S., CARRASCOSA, A.V. “Influence of two mannoprotein extracts obtained from S.cerevisiae on the adherence and invasion of C. jejuni to a Caco-2 cell culture model”. Zoonoses and Public Health (2007) (formerly J. Vet. Med. B) 54, Supplement 1, 94.


MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A, NUÑEZ, Y.P.; CARRASCOSA, A.V.; GONZÁLEZ, R.; POLO, M.C. “A thermal- extracted fraction of mannoproteins potentially useful to improve the foaming properties of sparkling wines". En: Macromolecules and Secondary Metabolites of Grapevine and Wine. Edit.: Technology and Documentation. París (Francia). (2007) pp. 371-375. ISBN:978-2-7430-0965-6.


MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A.J., NÚÑEZ, Y.P., PUEYO, E., CARRASCOSA, A.V. “Estudio de la influencia del proceso de autolisis sobre la capacidad de adsorción de Ocratoxina A (OTA) por células y paredes de levadura”. En: Avances en Ciencias y Técnicas Enológicas. Editorial: Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Economía y Trabajo. (2007) pp. 99-101. ISBN:978-84-690-6060-5.


MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C., GÓMEZ, R. "Characterization of bifidobacteria as starters in fermented milk containing raffinose family of oligosaccharides from lupin as prebiotic". Int. Dairy J. (2007) 17 116-122.


MARTÍNEZ-VILLALUENGA, C, URBANO, G., PORRES, J.M., FRIAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. "Improvement in food intake and nutritive utilization of protein from Lupinus albus var. multolupa protein isolates supplemented with ascorbic acid". Food Chem. (2007) 103 294-951.


MENDIOLA, J.A., HERRERO, M., CIFUENTES, A.,IBÁÑEZ, E. "Use of compressed fluids for sample preparation: Food applications". J. Chromatogr. A. (2007) 1152 234-246.


MENDIOLA, J.A., JAIME, L., SANTOYO, S., REGLERO, G., CIFUENTES, A., IBÁÑEZ, E., SEÑORÁNS, F.J. "Screening of functional compounds in supercritical fluid extracts from Spirulina platensis". Food Chem. (2007) 102 1357-1367.


MENDIOLA, J.A., TORRES, C.F., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., SANTOYO, S., ARREDONDO, B.O., SEÑORÁNS, F.J., CIFUENTES, A., IBÁÑEZ, E. "Use of supercritical CO2 to obtain extracts with antimicrobial activity from Chaetoceros muelleri microalga. A correlation with their lipidic content". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2007) 224 505-510.


MIGUEL, M., ALONSO, M.J., SALAICES, M., ALEIXANDRE, A., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Antihypertensive, ACE-inhibitory and vasodilator properties of an egg white hydrolysate: Effect of a simulated intestinal digestion". Food Chem. (2007) 104 163-168.


MIGUEL, M., ÁLVAREZ, Y., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., ALONSO, M.J., SALAICES, M. "Vasodilator effects of peptides derived from egg white proteins". Regul. Peptides  (2007) 140 131-135.


MIGUEL, M., MANSO, M., ALEIXANDRE, A., ALONSO, M.J., SALAICES, M., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Vascular effects, angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity, and antihypertensive properties of peptides derived from egg white”. J. Agric. Food Chem.(2007) 5510615-10621.


MIGUEL, M., MANSO, M.A., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., ALONSO, M.J., SALAICES, M. “Vascular effects and antihypertensive properties of κ-casein macropeptide”. Int. Dairy J. (2007) 17 1473-1477.


MIGUEL, M., MANSO, M.A., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., ALEIXANDRE, A., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in plasma and tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats after the short- and long-term intake of hydrolysed egg white”. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. (2007) 51 555-563.


MIRALLES, B., MARTÍNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, A., SANTIAGO, A., VAN DE LAGEMAAT, J., HERAS, A. "The occurrence of a Maillard-type protein-polysaccharide reaction between β-lactoglobulin and chitosan". Food Chem. (2007) 100 1071-1075.


MIRALLES, B., RAMOS, M., AMIGO, L. Characterization of fresh cheeses by capillary electrophoresis”. DMZ,-Lebensmittelindustrie-und-Milchwirtschaft (2007) 128 47-50.


MONAGAS, M., BARTOLOMÉ, B., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C. “Ingredientes dietéticas procedentes de la uva: Evaluación química y funcional”. CTC (2007) (33) 17-29.


MONAGAS, M., GARRIDO, I., LEBRÓN-AGUILAR, R., BARTOLOMÉ, B., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C. “Almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) skins as a potential source of bioactive polyphenols”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 8498-8507.


MONAGAS, M., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B. "Evaluation of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for red winemaking. Influence on the anthocyanin, pyranoanthocyanin and non-anthocyanin phenolic content and colour characteristics of wines". Food Chem. (2007) 104 814-823.


MONAGAS, M., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B. "Effect of the modifier (Graciano vs. Cabernet sauvignon) on blends of Tempranillo wine during ageing in the bottle. II. Colour and overall appreciation". LWT-Food Sci. Technol. (2007) 40 107115.


MONTAÑÉS, F., FORNARI, T., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., MONTILLA, A., CORZO, N., OLANO, A., IBÁÑEZ, E. “Selective fractionation of disaccharide mixtures by supercritical CO2 with ethanol as co-solvent”. J. Supercrit. Fluid (2007) 41 61-67.


MONTAÑÉS, F., OLANO, A., IBÁÑEZ, E., FORNARI, T. “Modeling solubilities of sugars in alcohols based on original experimental data”. AICHE J. (2007) 53 2411-2418.


MONTES, T., GRAZÚ, V., LÓPEZ-GALLEGO, F., HERMOSO, J.A., GARCÍA, J.L., MANSO, I., GALÁN, B., GONZÁLEZ, R., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., GUISÁN, J.M. “Genetic modification of the penicillin G acylase surface to improve Its reversible immobilization on ionic exchangers”. Appl. Environ. Microb. (2007) 75 312-319.


MONTES, T., GRAZÚ, V., MANSO, I., GALÁN, B., LÓPEZ-GALLEGO, F., GONZÁLEZ, R., HERMOSO, J.A., GARCÍA, J.L., GUISÁN, J.M. FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R. “Improved stabilization of genetically modified penicillin G acylase in the presence of organic cosolvents by co-immobilization of the enzyme with polyethyleneimine”. Adv. Synth. Catal. (2007) 349 459-464.


MONTILLA, A., CASAL, E., MORENO, F. J., BELLOQUE, J., OLANO, A., CORZO, N. "Isolation of bovine β-lactoglobulin from complexes with chitosan". Int. Dairy J. (2007) 17 459-464.


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MORATA, A., CALDERÓN, F., GONZÁLEZ, M.C., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, M.C., SUÁREZ, J.A. "Formation of the highly stable pyranoanthocyanins (vitisins A and B) in red wines by the addition of pyruvic acid and acetaldehyde". Food Chem. (2007) 100 1144-1152.


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PESSELA, B.C.C., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., TORRES, R., MATEO, C., FUENTES, M., FILHO, M., VIAN, A., GARCÍA, J.L., GUISÁN, J.M., CARRASCOSA, A.V. "Production of a thermoresistant alpha-galactosidase from Thermus sp. strain T2 for food processing". Food Biotechnol. (2007) 21 91-103.


PESSELA, B.C.C., MATEO, C., FILHO, M., CARRASCOSA, A., FERNÁNDEZ-LAFUENTE, R., GUISAN, J.M. "Selective adsorption of large proteins on highly activated IMAC supports in the presence of high imidazole concentrations: Purification, reversible immobilization and stabilization of thermophilic α-and β-galactosidases". Enzyme Microb. Tech. (2007) 40 242-248.


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QUIRÓS, A., CHICHÓN, R., RECIO, I., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. “The use of high hydrostatic pressure to promote the proteolysis and release of bioactive peptides from ovalbumin”. Food Chem. (2007) 104 1734-1739.


QUIRÓS, A., RAMOS, M., MUGUERZA, B., DELGADO, M.A., MIGUEL, M., ALEIXANDRE, A., RECIO, I. "Identification of novel antihypertensive peptides in milk fermented with Enterococcus faecalis". Int. Dairy J. (2007) 17 33-41.


RAMÍREZ, P., SANTOYO, S., GARCÍA-RISCO, M.R., SEÑORÁNS, F.J., IBÁÑEZ, E., REGLERO, G. "Use of specially designed columns for antioxidants and antimicrobials enrichment by preparative supercritical fluid chromatography". J. Chromatogr. A. (2007) 1143 234-242.


RAVELO-PÉREZ, L.M., HERNÁNDEZ-BORGES, J., CIFUENTES, A., RODRÍGUEZ- DELGADO, M.A. “MEKC combined with SPE and sample stacking for multiple analysis of pesticides in water samples at the ng/L level”. Electrophoresis (2007) 28 1805-1814.


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RODRÍGUEZ, H., DE LAS RIVAS, B., MUÑOZ, R., MANCHEÑO, J.M. "Overexpression, purification, crystallization and preliminary structural studies of p-coumaric acid decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum". Acta Crystallogr. F (2007) 63 300-303.


RODRÍGUEZ, H., DEL PRETE, V., CARRASCOSA, A.V., DE LAS RIVAS, B., GARCÍA-MORUNO, E., MUÑOZ, R. “Estudios in vitro sobre la eliminación de ocratoxina A mediante bacterias lácticas del vino”. En: “Avances en Ciencias y Técnicas Enológicas”. (2007) pp. 36-37. Editorial: Junta de Extremadura (Consejería de Economía y Trabajo). ISBN 978-84-690-6060-5.


RODRÍGUEZ, C., FRÍAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C., HERNÁNDEZ, A. “Total chemically available (free and intrachain) lysine and furosine in pea, bean, and lentil sprouts”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 10275-10280.


RODRÍGUEZ, H., LANDETE, J. M., DE LAS RIVAS, B., CURIEL, J. A., MUÑOZ, R., LÓPEZ DE FELIPE, F. "Las bacterias lácticas y los compuestos fenólicos del vino". VinoTeq (2007) (36) 26-30.


RODRÍGUEZ, H., LANDETE, J.M., DE LAS RIVAS, B., CURIEL, J.A., LÓPEZ DE FELIPE, F., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., MUÑOZ, R. "Metabolismo de compuestos fenólicos por bacterias lácticas del vino". ACE Revista de Enologia (2007) http://www.acenologia.com/ciencia81_1.htm


RODRÍGUEZ-MEIZOSO, I., CIFUENTES, A., SAN ROMÁN, J., IBÁÑEZ, E., ELVIRA, C. "A systematic study on the interactions between carnosic acid and ethylpyrrolidine methacrylate-methyl methacrylate copolymer in supercritical media". J. Supercrit. Fluids (2007) 41 452-460.


RODRÍGUEZ-NOGALES, J.M., CIFUENTES, A., GARCÍA, M.C., MARINA, M.L. "Characterization of protein fractions from Bt-transgenic and non-transgenic maize varieties using perfusion and monolithic RP-HPLC. Maize differentiation by multivariate analysis". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 3835-3842.


RUIZ-CAPILLAS, C., JIMÉNEZ COLMENERO, F., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MUÑOZ, R. “Biogenic amine production in Spanish dry-cured ‘‘chorizo’’ sausage treated with high-pressure and kept in chilled storage”. Meat Sci. (2007) 77 365-371.


RUIZ-MATUTE, A.I., MONTILLA, A., DEL CASTILLO, M.D., MARTÍNEZ-CASTRO, I., SANZ, M.L. "A GC method for simultaneous analysis of bornesitol, other polyalcohols and sugars in coffee and its substitutes". J. Sep. Sci. (2007) 30 557-562.


RUIZ-MATUTE, A.I., SANZ, M.L., CORZO, N., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., IBÁÑEZ, E., MARTÍNEZ-CASTRO, I., OLANO, A. “Purification of lactulose from mixtures with lactose using pressurized liquid extraction with ethanol-water at different temperatures”. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2007) 55 3346-3350.


RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., BLANCH, G.P. “Enantiomeric purity of (+/–)-methyl jasmonate in fresh leaf samples and commercial fragrances”. J. Sep. Sci. (2007) 30 2117-2122.


SAAVEDRA, L., MAESO, N., CIFUENTES, A., BARBAS, C. “Development of a frit-free SPE-based in-column preconcentration system for capillary electrophoresis”. J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. Anal. (2007) 44 471-476.


SÁNCHEZ, L., GONZÁLEZ, R., CREGO, A.L., CIFUENTES, A. "A simple capillary gel electrophoresis approach for efficient and reproducible DNA separations. Analysis of genetically modified soy and maize". J. Sep. Sci. (2007) 30 579-585.


SANZ, M.L., CORZO-MARTÍNEZ, M., RASTALL, R.A., OLANO, A., MORENO, F.J. “Characterization and in vitro digestibility of bovine β-Lactoglobulin glycated with galactooligosaccharides”. J. Agric. Food Chem.(2007) 55 7916-7925.


SIMÓ, C., MENDIETA, M.E., ANTONIOLI, P., SEBASTIANO, R., CITTERIO, A., CIFUENTES, C., RIGHETTI, P.G. "Mass distribution, polydispersity and focusing properties of carrier ampholytes for IEF. III: pH 2.5-4 intervals". Electrophoresis(2007) 28 715-723.


SUÁREZ, R., MONAGAS, M., BARTOLOMÉ, B., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C. “Phenolic composition and colour of Vitis vinifera L. cv Merlot wines from different vintages and aging time in bottle”. Ciência Téc. Vitiv. (2007) 22 35-44.


SUÁREZ, R., SUÁREZ-LEPE, J.A., MORATA, A., CALDERÓN, F. “ The production of ethylphenols in wine by yeasts of genera Brettanomyces and Dekkera: A review”. Food Chem. (2007) 102, 10-21.


TORRES, A., FRIAS, J., GRANITO, M., GUERRA, M., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. Chemical, biological and sensory evaluation of pasta products supplemented with α-galactoside-free lupin flours". J. Sci. Food Agric. (2007) 87 74-81.


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URBANO, G., PORRES, J.M., FREJNAGEL, S., LÓPEZ-JURADO, M., GÓMEZ-VILLALVA, E., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C., ARANDA, P. “Improvement of iron availability from phytase-treated Pisum sativum, L. flour”. Food Chem. (2007) 103 389-395.


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VASSILOPOULOU, E.V., ZUIDMEER, L., AKKERDAAS, J., RIGBY, N., MORENO, F.J., PAPADOPOULOS, N.G., SAXONI-PAPAGEORGIOU, P., MILLS, C., VAN REE, C. "Optimized techniques for the extraction of grape allergens appropriate for in vivo and in vitro testing and diagnosis". Mol. Nutr. Food Res. (2007) 51 360-366.


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AÑO 2006


AMIGO-BENAVENT, M., SILVÁN, J.M., MORENO, F.J., VILLAMIEL, M., DEL CASTILLO, M.D. "Calidad nutricional, antigenicidad y funcionalidad de bebidas de soja". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 106.


BELLOQUE, J. "High-resolution NMR of milk proteins". En: Handbook of Modern Magnetic Resonance. Editor: G. Webb. Editorial: Kluwer Academic Publisher, London (UK). (2006) pp. 1609-1613. ISBN: 1-4020-3894-1.


BELLOQUE, J., MANSO, M.A., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Evolución de los componentes fosforilados de la leche humana durante la lactancia. Un estudio realizado mediante resonancia magnética nuclear de fósforo (31P-RMN)". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 95.


BLANCH, G.P., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. "Semipreparative-scale gas-chromatographic separation of filbertone enantiomers". J. Sep. Sci. (2006) 29 691-694.


BRAVO, F.I., VILLAMIEL, M., MOLINA, E. "Propiedades emulgentes de proteínas lácteas desnaturalizadas por alta presión y glicosiladas". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 102.


BROKL, M., FLORES, G., BLANCH, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. "Changes in the enantiomeric distribution of selected volatile constituents of Mentha pulegium L. powders caused by hot water treatment". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2006) 54 8836-8841.


CABEZAS, L., GONZÁLEZ-VIÑAS, M.A., BALLESTEROS, C., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J. "Application of Partial least Squares regression to predict sensory attributes of artisanal and industrial Manchego cheeses". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2006) 222 223-228.  


CAJA, M.M., BLANCH, G.P., CALVO, M.M. "Composition of free amino acids in infant formulas". Milchwissenschaft (2006) 61 360-362.


CALVO, M.M., SANTA-MARÍA, G. "Extracción con etanol o acetato de etilo de licopeno, β-caroteno, fitopeno y fitoflueno a partir de piel de tomate liofilizada. Influencia del disolvente y de las condiciones de extracción en el rendimiento de cada carotenoide". Alimentaria (2006) (374) 104-105.


CARLAVILLA, D, MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V., FANALI, S., CIFUENTES, A. "Chiral MEKC-LIF of amino acids in foods: Analysis of vinegars". Electrophoresis(2006) 27 2551-2557.


CARLAVILLA, D., VILLAMIEL, M., MARTÍNEZ-CASTRO, I., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. "Occurrence and significance of quercitol and other inositols in wines during oak wood aging". Am. J. Enol. Viticult. (2006) 57 468-473.


CARRASCOSA, A.V. "Aspectos funcionales del vino: Poder antimicrobiano". Semana Vitivinícola (2006) (3147) 4042-4044.


CASAL, E., MONTILLA, A., MORENO, F.J., OLANO, A., CORZO, N. "Use of chitosan for selective removal of β-lactoglobulin from whey". J. Dairy Sci. (2006) 89 1384-1389.


CASAL, E., RAMÍREZ, P., IBAÑEZ, E., CORZO, N., OLANO, A. "Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment on the Maillard reaction in model food systems". Food Chem. (2006) 97 272-276.


CASTILLA, P., ECHARRI, R., DÁVALOS, A., CERRATO, F., ORTEGA, H., TERUEL, J.L., FERNÁNDEZ-LUCAS, M., GÓMEZ-CORONADO, D., ORTUÑO, J., LASUNCIÓN, M.A. “Concentrated red grape juice exerts antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and antiinflammatory effects in both hemodialysis patients and healthy subjects”. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.(2006) 84 252-262.


CASTRO-PUYANA, M., GARCÍA-RUIZ, C., CIFUENTES, A., CREGO, A.L., MARINA, M.L. "Identification and quantitation of cis-ketoconazole impurity by capillary zone electrophoresis-mass spectrometry". J. Chromatogr. A. (2006) 1114 170-177.


CAVERO, S., GARCÍA-RISCO, M.R., MARÍN, F.R., JAIME, L., SANTOYO, S, SEÑORÁNS, F.J., REGLERO, G., IBÁÑEZ, E. "Supercritical fluid extraction of antioxidant compounds from oregano. Chemical and functional characterization via LC-MS and in vitro assays". J. Supercrit. Fluid. (2006) 38 62-69.


CEBOLLERO, E., GONZALEZ, R. "Induction of autophagy by second-fermentation yeasts during elaboration of sparkling wines." Appl. Environ. Microb. (2006) 72 4121-4127.


CHANKVETADZE, B., CIFUENTES, A. "Nutraceuticals analysis: Preface". Editorial del volumen especial del J. Pharm. Biomed. sobre "Nutraceuticals Analysis" (volumen 41, número 5, año 2006)


CHICÓN, R., BELLOQUE, J., ALONSO, E., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Análisis estructural y respuesta inmunológica de β-lactoglobulina hidrolizada en condiciones de altas presiones". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 105.


CHICÓN, R., BELLOQUE, J., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Producción de hidrolizados hipoalergénicos de seroproteínas". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 73.


CHICÓN, R., BELLOQUE, J., RECIO, I., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R. "Influence of high hydrostatic pressure on the proteolisis of β-lactoglobulin A by trypsin". J. Dairy Res. (2006) 73 121-128.


CHICÓN, R., LÓPEZ-FANDIÑO, R., QUIRÓS, A., BELLOQUE, J. "Changes in chymotrypsin hydrolysis of β-Lactoglobulin A induced by high hydrostatic pressure". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2006) 54 2333-2341.


CIFUENTES, A. "Recent advances in the application of capillary electromigration methods for food analysis". Electrophoresis (2006) 27 283-303.


COLNAGHI, A.V., SIMÓ, C., CIFUENTES, A., TEIXEIRA, P., ARAÚJO, W.L., AZEVEDO, J.L., CARRILLO, E. "Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry of citrus endophytic bacteria siderophores". Electrophoresis (2006) 27 2567-2574.


CORZO, N., CASAL, E., MONTILLA, A., BELLOQUE, J., OLANO, A., MORENO, F.J. "Obtención de ingredientes funcionales mediante el tratamiento del suero lácteo con quitosanos". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 72.


DÁVALOS, A., CASTILLA, P., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B. "Quercetin is bioavailable from a single ingestion of grape juice". Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. (2006) 57 391-398.


DÁVALOS, A., FERNÁNDEZ-HERNANDO, C., CERRATO, F., MARTÍNEZ-BOTAS, A., GÓMEZ-CORONADO, C., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., LASUNCIÓN, M.A. "Red grape juice polyphenols alter cholesterol homeostasis and Increase LDL-receptor activity in human cells in vitro". J. Nutr. (2006) 136 1766-1773.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., MARCOBAL, A., CARRASCOSA, A.V., MUÑOZ, R. "PCR detection of foodborne bacteria producing the biogenic amines histamine, tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine". J. Food Protect. (2006) 69 2509-2514.


DE LAS RIVAS, B., MARCOBAL, A., MUÑOZ, R. “Development of a multilocus sequence typing method for analysis of Lactobacillus plantarum strains”. Microbiology (2006) 152 85-93.


DUEÑAS, M., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I. "Assessment of in vitro antioxidant capacity of the seed coat and the cotyledon of legumes in relation to their phenolic contents". Food Chem. (2006) 98 95-103.


DUEÑAS, M., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I. "Influence of the action of exogenous enzymes on the polyphenolic composition of pea: Effect on the antioxidant activity". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2006) DOI 10.1007/s00217-006-0445-3


ERNY, G.L., CIFUENTES, A. "Field amplified separation in capillary electrophoresis: A capillary electrophoresis mode". Anal. Chem. (2006) 78 7557-7562.


ERNY, G.L., CIFUENTES, A. "Liquid separation techniques coupled with mass spectrometry for chiral analysis of pharmaceuticals compounds and their metabolites in biological fluids". J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. (2006) 40 509-515.


ERNY, G.L., CIFUENTES, A. "Measuring the length of hydrodynamically injected plugs in capillary electrophoresis using the electrical current monitoring". Electrophoresis (2006) 27 4166-4173.


ERNY, G.L., ELVIRA, C., SAN ROMÁN, J., CIFUENTES, A. "Capillary electrophoresis using copolymers of different composition as physical coatings: A comparative study". Electrophoresis (2006) 27 1041-1049.


FERNÁNDEZ DE SIMÓN, B., CADAHÍA, E., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I. "Evolution of oak-related volatile compounds in a Spanish red wine during 2 years bottled, after aging in barrels made of Spanish, French and American oak wood". Anal. Chim. Acta (2006) 563 198-203.


FERNANDEZ-OROZCO, R., PISKULA, M.K., ZIELINSKI, H., KOZLOWSKA, H., FRIAS, J., VIDAL-VALVERDE, C. "Germination as a process to improve the antioxidant capacity of Lupinus angustifolius L. var. Zapaton". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2006) 223 495-502.


FLORES, G., HERRAIZ, M., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L. "Use of a superabsorbent polymer for the preconcentration of volatile components from complex matrices". J. Sep. Sci. (2006) 29 2677-2683.


FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., BLANCH, G.P., HERRAIZ, M. "Detection of the adulteration of olive oils by solid phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography". Food Chem. (2006) 97 336-342.


FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., BLANCH, G.P., HERRAIZ, M. "Effect of sample freezing on the SPME performance in the analysis of chiral volatile compounds in foods". Food Chem. (2006) 96 334-339.


FLORES, G., RUIZ DEL CASTILLO, M.L., HERRAIZ, M., BLANCH, G.P. "Study of the adulteration of olive oil with hazelnut oil by on-line coupled high performance liquid chromatographic and gas chromatographic analysis of filbertone". Food Chem. (2006) 97 742-749.


GARAI, G., DUEÑAS, M.T., IRASTORZA, A., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. "Biogenic amines in natural ciders". J. Food Protect. (2006) 69 3006-3012.


GARCÍA M.J., QUIRÓS, A., MIQUEL, E., ALEGRÍA, A., BARBERÁ, R., RECIO, I., FARRÉ, R. "Efecto de los caseinofosfopéptidos en la biodisponibilidad de hierro y zinc en bebidas a base de zumo de fruta". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 94.


GARCÍA-MARINO, M., RIVAS-GONZALO, J.C., IBÁÑEZ, E., GARCÍA-MORENO, C. "Recovery of catechins and proanthocyanidins from winery by-products using subcritical water extraction". Anal. Chim. Acta (2006) 563 44-50.


GARRIDO, I., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B. "Complementos dietéticas antioxidantes: Evaluación química y funcional". Alimentaria (2006) (373) 114-115.


GÓMEZ-RUIZ, J.A., TABORDA, G., AMIGO, L., RECIO, I., RAMOS, M. "Identification of ACE-inhibitory peptides in different Spanish cheeses by tandem mass spectrometry". Eur. Food Res. Technol. (2006) 223 595-601.


GONZÁLEZ-RAMOS, D., GONZÁLEZ, R. "Genetic determinants of the release of mannoproteins of enological interest by Saccharomyces cerevisiae". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2006) 54 9411-9416.


HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I., CARLAVILLA, D., MARTÍN-ALVAREZ, P.J., MORENO-ARRIBAS, M.V. "Phenolic compounds in red wine subjected to industrial malolactic fermentation and ageing on lees". Anal. Chem. Acta (2006) 563116-125.


HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., CONTRERAS, M.M., AMIGO, L., RECIO, I. "Efecto de la hidrólisis enzimática en la liberación de péptidos antihipertensivos y antioxidantes a partir de un concentrado de proteínas de suero". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 99.


HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., DÁVALOS, A., BARTOLOMÉ, B., AMIGO, L. "Antioxidant peptides from whey proteins. Comparison to plant antioxidants". In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants. Biopharmaceuticals. Editors: J.N. Gavil, V.K. Singh, K. Ahmad. Editorial: Studium Press, LLC. Houston, Texas (USA). (2006). Vol. 14. pp. 569-584. ISBN: 0-9761849-6-6.


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LÓPEZ-EXPOSITO, I., AMIGO, L., PELLEGRINI, A., RECIO, I. "Efecto sinérgico de la lactoferricina y el fragmento (183-207) de la αs2-caseína bovina con otros péptidos y proteínas alimentarias". Alimentaria (2006) (378) p. 101.


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NÚÑEZ, V., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B., HONG, Y.J., MITCHELL, A.E. "Non-galloylated and galloylated proanthocyanidin oligomers in grape seeds from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano, Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon". J. Sci. Food Agric. (2006) 86 915-921.


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RODRÍGUEZ-FRANCO, M.I., FERNÁNDEZ-BACHILLER, M.I., PÉREZ, C., HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA, B., BARTOLOMÉ, B. "Novel tacrine-melatonin hybrids as dual-acting drugs for Alzheimer disease, with improved acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant properties". J. Med. Chem. (2006) 49 459-462.


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SEBASTIANO, R., SIMÓ, C., MENDIETA, M.E., ANTONIOLI, P., CITTERIO, A., CIFUENTES, A., PELTRE, G., RIGHETTI, P.G. "Mass distribution and focusing properties of carrier ampholytes for isoelectric focusing: I. Novel and unexpected results". Electrophoresis (2006) 27 3919-3934.


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VASSILOPOULOU, E., RIGBY, N., MORENO, F.J., ZUIDMEER, L., AKKERDAAS, J., TASSIOS, I., PAPADOPOULOS, N.G., SAXONI-PAPAGEORGIOU, P., VAN REE, R., MILLS, C. "Effect of in vitro gastric and duodenal digestion on the allergenicity of grape lipid transfer protein". J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (2006) 118 473-480.


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AÑO 2005


Arias, M., Simó, C., Ortiz, L.T., Mozos-Pascual, m., Barbas, C., Cifuentes, A. "Detection and quantitation of a bioactive compound in Vicia narbonensis L. seeds by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry: A comparative study with UV detection". Electrophoresis (2005) 26 2351-2359.  


BAENA, B., CIFUENTES, A., Barbas, C. "Analysis of carboxylic acids in biological fluids by capillary electrophoresis". Electrophoresis (2005) 26 2622-2636.  


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AÑO 2004


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AÑO 2003


AGÜERA, P., URRUTIA, B., SÁNCHEZ, A., ARANDA, C., ARES, J.L., GARCÍA-RISCO, M.R., CARRIZOSA, J., FALAGÁN, A., AMIGO, L., AMILLS, M., SÁNCHEZ, A., SERRADILLA, J.M. "Efecto del polimorfismo genético de la caseína as1  y  as2  en la leche de las razas caprinas Malagueña y Murciano-Granadina". ITEA (2003) 24 477-479.


AGUILAR, M.R., GALLARDO, A., SAN ROMÁN, J., CIFUENTES, A. "Electroforesis capilar: Una técnica novedosa para el estudio de reacciones de copolimerización en las que intervengan especies iónicas". Revista Plásticos Modernos (2003) 86 250-258.


ALBERT, A., BARAHONA, E., CARBONELL, J.V., CARRASCOSA, A., TOMAS, F., ESTEVE, T., GIL, J.V., GONZÁLEZ, R., GONZÁLEZ-CANDELAS, F., JUÁREZ, M., MARINÉ, A., MARCOS, A., MAYO, B., MUÑOZ, E., MUÑOZ, R., OLANO, A., ANDREU, A., PELAEZ, C., PÉREZ, G., POLAINA, J., POLO, M.C., RANDEZ-GIL, F., Reglero, G., REQUENA, T., RIVAS, J., EVARISTO, J. "Biotecnología en pocas palabras". En: Biotecnología y Alimentos: Preguntas y respuestas. Vol. 3. Editorial: Sebiot (Sociedad Española de Biotecnología). (2003) 60 pp.


BARCENILLA, J.M., MARTÍN-ÁLVAREZ, P.J., VIAN, A., GONZÁLEZ, R. "Characterization of yeast strains on the basis of autolytic activity and volatile compounds".Food Sci. Technol. Int. (2003) 9 95-99.


BARTOLOMÉ, B., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., SANCHO, A.I., DÍEZ, N., FERREIRA, P., SOLIVERI, J., COPA-PATIÑO, J.L. "Growth and release of hydroxycinnamic acids from brewer’s spent grain by Streptomyces avermitilis CECT 3339". Enzime Microb. Tech. (2003) 32 140-144.


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DAVALOS, A., BARTOLOMÉ, B., SUBERVIOLA, J., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C. "ORAC-fluorescein as a model for evaluating antioxidant activity of wines". Pol. J. Nutr. Sci. (2003) 12 137-141.


DAVALOS, A., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B. "Commercial dietary antioxidant supplements assayed for their antioxidant activity by different methodologies". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2003) 51 2512-2519. 


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DUEÑAS, M., FERNÁNDEZ, D., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, l., MUÑOZ, R. "Compuestos bioactivos de judías (Phaseolus vulgaris). Cambios originados por la fermentación. En: II Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. Edits.: D. Martínez, S. Castillo, D. Valero, E. Sayas, J.A. Pérez. Editorial: Universidad Miguel Hernández. Orihuela (Alicante). (2003), Vol. 1, pp. 273-276. ISBN Vol. 1: 84-95893-75-4; ISBN O.C.: 84-95893-74-6.


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GÓMEZ, J.A., AGÜERA, P., AMIGO, L., SERRADILLA, J.M. "Optimización de un método de análisis cuantitativo de las caseínas as1 y as2 mediante electroforesis capilar". ITEA (2003) 24 546-548.


GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., BARTOLOMÉ, B., MONAGAS, M., SUÁREZ, R., NÚÑEZ, V., MORATA, A., SUÁREZ, J.A. "Respuesta del color a variaciones puntuales durante el proceso vitivinícola en los vinos tintos". En Seminario CYTED: Influência da tecnologia vitícola e vinícola na cor dos vinhos. Editores, Mauro Celso Zanus, Olga Laureano, George Wellington Bastos de Melo y Sandra de Souza Sebben. Bento Gonçalves (Brasil). (2003) pp. 19-41. ISSN: 1516-8107.


GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, C., SUÁREZ, R., BARTOLOMÉ, B., SUÁREZ-LEPE, J.A. Características fenólicas y de color de vinos de la variedad Merlot". Tecnología del Vino (2003) (13) 62-66.  


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LÓPEZ-AMORÓS, M.L., HERNÁNDEZ, T., ESTRELLA, I. "Legumbres germinadas, base de alimentos funcionales". En: II Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. Edit.: D. Martínez, S. Castillo, D. Valero, E. Sayas, J.A. Pérez. Editorial: Universidad Miguel Hernández. Orihuela (Alicante) (2003) Vol. 1, pp. 265-268. ISBN Vol. 1: 84-95893-75-4; ISBN O.C.: 84-95893-74-6.


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MORATA, A., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, M.C., COLOMO, B., SUÁREZ, J.A.  "Pyruvic acid and acetaldehyde production by different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Relationship with vitisin A and B formation in red wines"  J. Agric. Food Chem. (2003) 51 7402-7409.


MORATA, A., GÓMEZ-CORDOVÉS, M.C., SUBERVIOLA, J., BARTOLOMÉ, B., COLOMO, B., SUÁREZ, J.A. "Adsorption of anthocyanins by yeast cell walls during the fermentation of red wines". J. Agric. Food Chem. (2003) 51 4084-4088.


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AÑO 2002

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